Board of Directors
Since 1954, the Puerto Rico Golf Association has been governed and directed by a group of volunteers and golf enthusiasts that conforms the Board of Directors. Members of the various golf courses today, a total of 9 individuals to this Board, are responsible for the performance of the association. The directors are elected for a 2-year term but the representatives of the PRGA Members Clubs and Golf Leagues. During the Election Process that takes place during the Annual Meeting of the Association, and per the By-Laws and Constitution of the association establishes.
Sidney Wolf, President
Jose Alegria, Vicepresident
Roberto Martinez, Treasurer
Elvin Gonzalez Jr, Legal Consultant
Christine Beauchamp, Rules Chairperson
Marilina Silen, Secretary
Fernando Herrera, Junior Program
Richard Martinez, Legal Consultant
Jose "Pepi" Suarez, Fundraising